
This section includes information about the archival terms used in the catalogue. If there are any other terms which you would like an explanation for, please get in touch.

Level: This is the archival term for where the record can be found in the catalogue structure. The levels used in the catalogue are:

  • Fonds level: This originally meant "all the files" and refers to the whole of the records in a collection. The fonds level provides an overview and a summary of the contents of the archive collection as a whole.
  • Sub-Fonds level: A subdivision of the fonds level. The highest sub-division which corresponds with the administrative sub-division within the organisation, or reflects a type of record.
  • Series level: A series of records within the collection, e.g. Minutes of the Committee of Management.
  • Subseries level: A subdivision of series level, e.g. financial papers within the Institute of Sociology series.
  • File level: A group of related records within a series, e.g. a photograph album.
  • Item level: One item within a series, e.g. a single letter or photograph.

Reference Number: This is our unique reference to a document or group of documents. You will need this number to request documents or order any copies.

Admin History: This field provides background information on a person, event or organisation which the record relates to.

Access Status: This indicates whether or not it is possible to view these records. Some records are closed to ensure confidentiality and data protection or at the request of a private donor. Further information about closed or restricted records will be provided by the Archives on request.

Extent: This field provides information about the quantity of material which is being described, e.g. 2 boxes, 1 volume, 3 items.

Copyright: this is a field stating the copyright owner(s). Further information about copyright permission circumstances for records can be obtained on request.

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