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36 - Cash and Account Book
37 - Cash and Account Book
38 - Attendance Book
39 - Attendance Book
40 - Attendance Book
41 - Attendance Book
42 - Attendance Book
43 - Attendance Book
44 - File
45 - Order of service for dedication of the branch Lamp
46 - Photograph of branch 21st birthday celebrations
47 - Packet of photographs of group activities
48 - Photograph of men's hockey team (no details)
49 - Brief printed history of Toc H and branch
50 - Netherton News, including copy of above article
51 - Song lyrics - "The Netherton Ditty"
52 - Hymn sheet - "The Inheritance"
53 - Photograph of No. 1, Bagley's Lane, Netherton
54 - Photograph of unveiling of Netherton Toc H. banner
55 - Petition by members of Netherton Toc H for a Lamp of Maintenance.
56 - Photograph of Henry Hayward
57 - Toc H Netherton Roll of Honour
58 - Photograph of branch's 21st birthday celebration
59 - Group photograph, with names
60 - Photograph of presentation to Wordsley Hospital
61 - Photograph of branch's 40th birthday celebrations
62 - Photograph of branch's 50th birthday celebrations
63 - Picture of The Coeur de Lion Chapel, All Hallows Church, Barking
64 - Unframed picture of Talbot House, Poperinghe
65 - Copy of "The Objects of Toc H" and "The Main Resolution if Toc H" (framed)
66 - "The Four Points of the Compass" to be followed by members of Toc H
67 - "The Toc H Prayer"
68 - "The Toc H Ceremony of Light"
69 - Order of service for Toc H 50th Jubilee Thanksgiving Service
70 - Order of service for thanksgiving on death of Tubby Clayton
71 - Pamphlet: The Case for Toc H
72 - Pamphlet: Toc H Marks, re: Toc H hostels or marks
73 - Pamphlet: Jobs: Some Notes for Jobmasters and other members of Toc H
74 - Bound set of 6 pamphlets: Concerning Toc H
75 - Pamphlet: Leadership: A Guide to Office-bearing and Team work in Branch and District
76 - Pamphlet: The Toc H Padre by H.F.S.
77 - Pamphlet: The Time Has Come by Herbert Leggate
78 - Pamphlet: Happy Returns
79 - Programme for festival evenings on 21st anniversary of founding of Toc H
80 - Edition of THAN (Toc H Area News) for West Midlands
81 - Edition of THAN (Toc H Area News) for West Midlands
82 - A Birthday Book re history of Toc H
83 - Tubby Clayton - A Personal Saga
84 - Toc H Family Album
85 - Newspaper article: "The Little Place on the Hill"
86 - Pamphlet: Devotional Poems for All Seasons
87 - Netherton Toc H compliment card
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