Reference NumberDE/2/276
TitleProbate Copy Will of Mary, Lady Viscountess Dudley and Ward, Widow of John, late Viscount Dudley & Ward, with Letters of Administration annexed [will dated: 25 May 1782; codicil: 25 May 1782]
DescriptionBequeathes 'all my plantations, messuages, lands, tenements, negroes, slaves and hereditaments' in Jamaica to her son William Ward in trust for life (trustees: Sir Edward Littleton of Redgeley Park, Staffs. and John Purrier of London, Merchant), with rents and profits to William (remainder detailed). Bequests £1,000 to her son William and £200 to Rev. John Carver, Archdeacon of Stafford. Remainder of her money, stocks, bonds, debts, etc. to Sir Edward Littleton and John Purrier in trust to use of her son William Ward and his assigns for life, and after his death principal to be transferred to his children. Diamonds, rings and jewellery to her grandson John William Ward. Household goods, furniture, plate, etc. and remaining real estate to William Ward.

Codicil: to be buried in Himley Church near to her husband

Executors: Edward Littleton, John Purrier and William Ward

Witnesses: Lucy Barber, Ann Hill, John Garth

Letters of administration to John Benbow, following the death of William Viscount Dudley and Ward, as surviving legatee and executor of will.

Sworn under £1,500. Notes that Mary died 31 May 1782 and that the last grant Jun 1823 was under £60,000.

Seal: wafer

Endorsed: note of registration in the books of the Stourbridge Navigation.
Date3 Jan 1835
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