Reference NumberDE/2/272
TitleDraft Memorial of Bond; Draft Release; and Draft Declaration
Description1. Draft Memorial of Bond in £800 [25 Jun 1824]
i) John William, Viscout Dudley and Ward

For securing an annuity of £40 for Elizabeth Rutledge Compton, under an 'act for registering the grants of life annuities and for the better protection of infants against such grants'.

2. Draft Release [26 Oct 1824]
i) Julia, Dowager Viscountess Dudley and Ward
ii) John William, Viscout Dudley and Ward (personal representative of the late William Viscount Dudley and Ward)

Consideration: £141,092 18s

3. Draft Declaration of John William Viscount Dudley and Ward regarding the personal estate of William, late Viscount Dudley and Ward [27 Oct 1824]
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