Reference NumberDE/2/205
TitleLease for 99 Years
Descriptioni) Sir William Noell [Noel] of Kirkby Mallory, Leics.
ii) Richard Tallis of Solihull, Warwicks., Husbandman

Messuage in Solihull and land called The Copps, the Hitalls and Blyth Meadow.

Consideration: £25

Rent: £50

Signed, sealed [wrapped in paper] and witnessed.

Endorsed: '16/16'

Full transcripton:

Transcription of DE/2/205

THIS INDENTURE made the five and twentieth day of March in the yeare of our lord one thousand six hundred and seventy three and in the five and twentieth yeare of the rain of oure soveraigne lord Charles the Second by the grace of God king of England, Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith and between Sir William Noell of Kirkby Mallory in the County of Leicester Baronett of the one part and Richard Tallis of the parish of Solihull in the County of Warwick husbandman of the other part WITNESSETH that the said William Noell for and in consideration of the summe of five and twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to him the said William Noell by the said Richard Tallis in hand before the sealing and delivery hereof well and truly paid (being aforesaid sent) the receipt whereof the said William Noell doth hereby acknowledge And for and in consideration of the rent and covinants herein after reserved and contaiyned and for other diverse causes and considerations him herein owing hath demised sett and to farm lett and doth demise sett and to farm lett unto the said Richard Tallis his executors administrators and assignes ALL THAT one messuage or tenement with th'appurtenances situate and being in the parish of Solihull aforesaid and alsoe all the severall closes or inclosed grounds with th'appurtenances lying and being in the parish of Solihull aforesaid commonly called or known by the severall names of the Copps, the hitalls Bythineadons and Copps Meadow all wyche said semiased premises with th'appurtenances now are or late were in the tenure or occupation of the said Richard Tallis his assignes or assigners and alsoe those eight closes on inclosed grounds of pasture and one close of meadow with their appurtenances lyinge and beinge in the parish of Solihull aofresaid in the said County of Warwick commonly called or known by the name of the Southeys late in the tenure or occupation of John Willes his assignes or assigners except and always reserved on and of this present demise unto the said William Noewll his heires and assignes all and all manner of trees and wood whatsoever which now and standing growing or being or which shall at any time hereafter stand grow or be in and upon the said demised premises or any part thereof other than and besides such thornes brambles and underwood as the said Richard Tallis his executors administrators or assignes shall at any time or times during the said term hereby granted necessarily imploy for and towards the reparation of the mounds and fences belonging to the said demised premises or any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said messuage or tenement, closes or inclosed grounds and all and singular other the said demised premises with th'appurtenances (except fore excepted) unto the said Richard Tallis his executors administrators or assignes from the day of the date hereof for and during the term and unto the full [...] and term of ninetey and nine yeares from thenceforth next ensuing and following fully to be completed and ended, if the said Richard Tallis and Edward Tallis and William Tallis two of the sons of the said Richard Tallis or any of them shall soe long live. YIELDINGE AND PAYINGE therefore yearly and every year or during the said term unto the said William Noell his hieres and assignes the yearly rent or summe of fifty pounds of lawfull money of England upon the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March yearly by two even and equal portions provided always nevertheless and upon expresse condition that if it shall happen that the saide yearly rent or summe of fifty pounds or any portion thereof shall be behind and unpaid in part or in all by the space of twenty days next after either or any of the said days or times on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid being lawfully demanded that then and from thenceforth and at all times after it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Sir William Noell his heires or assignes into the said demised premises with th'appurtenances or into any part thereof in the name of the whole to reenter and the same to have again repossesse and enjoy as in his or in their former estate, anything herein contayned to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And the said Richard Tallis doth hereby for himself his heires executors administrators and assignes covenant and grant to and with the said Sir William Noell his heires and assignes by these presents in manner and form following that is to say that he the said Richard Tallis his executors administrators and assignes and every of them shall and will from time to time and at all times during the said term at his and their own proven charging well and sufficiently repair uphold sustayne maintain and keep in good sufficient and and tenantable repair the said messuage or tenement and the barnes stables and all other the buildings of and belonging to the said demised premises or any part thereof and also shall and will from time to time and at all times during the said term well and sufficiently hedge ditch mound fence and keep in repair and scouring all and singular the hedges ditches gates stiles railes mounds and fences of and belonging to the said demised premises or any part thereof and also shall and will at the end or sooner determination of the said term peaceably and quietly yield and deliver up unto the said William Noell his hieres or assigns the said messuage or tenement barnes stables buildings hedges ditches gates stiles railes mounds and fences in good sufficient and tenantable repair mounding fencing and scouring together with all other the said demised premises and also that he the said Richard Tallis his executors administrators or assignes or some or all of them shall and will yearley and every year during the said term well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said William Noell his hieres or assignes the said yearly rent of fifty pounds of lawfull money of Enlgand upon the days and times above limited for payment thereof and in such manner as the same ought to be paid as aforesaid. In witness whereof the said partyes to these presents interchangeably their hands and seales have sett the day and year first above written.

Signed Richard Tallis


'Memorand that before the sealing and delivery hereof it is agreed that the lesee withinamed or his assignes shall yearley and every year during the term withingranted plant upon the lands withindemised six oak trees and the same shall preserve and fence during the said term. And shall also pay one couple of fat capons yearley unto the before withinamed and his heires at the first day of January yearley during the said term that the same shall be demanded. And afterwards these presents were sealed and delivered in the such forme. '
George Southall
Charles Haynes
Edw[ard] Willes

'Richard Tallis his counterpart of his lease'
Date25 Mar 1673
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