Reference NumberDE/13/51
TitleAlbum of photographs presented to Viscountess Ednam showing views of the Royal Orphanage, Wolverhampton
DescriptionContains photographs showing:
1. Exterior view of orphanage
2. Exterior view of orphanage and chapel
3. Exterior view of chapel
4. Interior view of chapel
5. Interior view of Queen Victoria Hall (East View)
6. Exterior view of King Edward VII Extension
7. Group of senior girls
8. Group of junior girls
9. Interior view of music room
10. Interior of girls' school room
11. Interior view showing girls' calisthenic exercises
12. Interior view of girls' sewing room
13. Group of senior boys
14. Group of junior boys
15. Interior view of boys' school room
16. Interior view of boys' dining hall
17. Interior view of girls' dining hall
18. Interior view of kitchen
19. Exterior view of boys at drill
20. Exterior view of boys at play [cricket]
21. Interior view of boys' gymnasium
22. Interior view of senior girls' dormitory
23. Interior view of girls' dormitory showing part of Queen Alexandra Wing
24. Interior view of boys' dormitory showing King Edward VII Extension
Date3 Jul 1925
Physical Description[leather bound, gilded album]
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