Ref NoDGA/D2/1
TitleAppointment of Land at Dudley in Trust for the Commissioners under the Act of Parliament for Lighting the Town of Dudley with Gas
DescriptionIndenture dated 1st April 1820, between:
1. The Right Honorable William Viscount Dudley and Ward, Baron of Birmingham in the County of Warwick; the Honorable John William Ward, the only son of the said Viscount.
2. Thomas Wainwright, Surgeon; Booth Hodgetts, Gentleman; Edward Guest, Nail Ironmonger; Richard Moore, Nail Ironmonger; and Joseph Cox, Nail Ironmonger, all of the Town of Dudley, Worcestershire - five of the Commissioners appointed for putting into Execution the Act of Parliament for lighting the town of Dudley with gas.
3. John Roberts of Dudley, Surgeon; Herbert Dudley Bourne of Dudley, Ironmaster (Persons nominated by the Commissioners as Trustees for taking the conveyance of the small plot of land described in the appointment).
Refers to an Act of Parliament made in the 31st year of the Reign of 'his late Majesty' (King George III, 1791), entitled 'An Act for better paving cleansing lighting watching and otherwise improving the Town of Dudley in the County of Worcester and for better supplying the said Town with water'. At several meetings of the Commissioners, it had been decided that #2 should enter into a contract with #1 for the purchase of a small plot of land, for the purposes of erecting a Gasometer and other necessary buildings for lighting the town of Dudley with gas.

Refers to land known as 'Cook's Tettenhall', near to a carriage road at Pit's Hole in Dudley. #1 appoints the land to #3 upon Trust, 'to the Intent that the same small plot or parcel of land hereditaments and premises may be applied and disposed of for the purposes of the said Act as the said Commissioners acting in due Execution of the same shall direct.'
DateApr 1820
Extent1 document
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